Customer service I must say is really not an easy job. However, it is worse when you have colleagues that are not understanding. 5 years ago, after ‘O’ levels, I held a holiday job as a waitress serving banquets at hotel xxx. Every event was a tiring one, however, it is a bonus if you get to work with colleague which you can get along with. I still remember vividly on Christmas eve, I was scheduled for work. Like everyone else, I was quite reluctant to work on a Christmas eve, nevertheless because the manager plead for help so I reluctantly went to work.
On that night I was made to serve 2 tables because of the lack of waiter and waitresses on that day. Service was slow because it was made worse that halal customers had to be serve separately which resulted in 4 trips to serve 1 course instead of 2 trips for 1 course. I had informed my manager that I might not be able to cope but they did not take any action about it. Thereafter, customers complained and my in-charge scolded me for the bad service. I knew I am on the verge of crying so I tried to smile, explaining my situation at the same time. However, my in-charged thought that I was not serious so he told me in my face in front of my other colleagues ‘Can you please stop joking around, I am very serious.’ Well, I was very serious too! In actual fact I had already told my manage about not being able to cope but no actions were done! Not being able to control my tears anymore, I cried and threw all my jobs aside and told my manager that I am going off, not going to go back to work as a waitress ever again. My manager was very understanding and allowed me to go off. I got to know from other colleagues that my in-charge was scolding me behind my back for being irresponsible. Of course, I never stepped back to that hotel as a waitress.
I do not feel that I am being irresponsible. Have you seen anyone serving with a crying face? If I can turn the clock back, I guess I would try even harder to control my tears. What would you do if you were me?